Week 2 – Don’t Rock the Boat

To start off the second week, a couple of interns and I scheduled an event at the University of Washington. UW has a waterfront activity center where they rent out canoes and kayaks to the general public. I haven’t been canoeing in a while and it definitely sounded fun. I have several friends on the Purdue Crew team back home, and they all say that rowing is hard work. That statement has never been so true.

I volunteered to take the front seat of a three-person canoe. That was a mistake. Shortly after undocking, my legs started to fall asleep. That, along with the tension of feeling tense required me to constantly change positions. This rocked the boat, and caused our hearts to “sink” a bit (mind the pun) as we were worried that we would tip over. After twenty minutes of tossing and turning without flipping the canoe over, we made it to the other side of the lake, where I changed positions; I took the middle seat, and that was a better choice for me. After being on the water for an hour, we all made it back to the shore of campus. My arms and back were sore, but it’s not every day that you can go to a college and rent a canoe! For my Purdue readers, imagine trying to canoe along the Wabash River… I don’t think it would be fun.


A couple of days later, I started feeling lightheaded and cold. Turns out that I had a small fever. I spent the evenings after work sleeping straight through the night, but luckily I was able to move around by the next day and still contribute to my role at Microsoft.

I had planned on going on a hike at Mount Si during the weekend, but was not feeling completely better so I stayed home. According to my fellow interns, it was a blast despite the challenging climb. I wish I could have gone, but there will be an opportunity later this summer, so I’ll post about that adventure later on! Instead of going on the hike, I spent the day helping out my favorite organization, Purdue University Dance Marathon, with some internal tasks. Microsoft’s Giving Program allows for interns and FTEs to contribute time to an organization. They then match $17 per hour of work completed, which is is contributed towards my fundraising goal.

[infobox style=’result’ static=’1′]Guess it’s a perfect time to mention that I am trying to fundraise $2,500 for Riley Hospital for Children. While Microsoft’s Giving Program will help contribute towards my goal, I still need help from you! You can find more information about PUDM’s mission and my involvement on my fundraising page.[aio_button align=”right” animation=”pulse” color=”gray” size=”small” icon=”globe” text=”PUDM Website” target=”_blank” relationship=”do follow” url=”http://www.pudm.org”][aio_button align=”right” animation=”pulse” color=”red” size=”small” icon=”heart” text=”Make a donation FTK” target=”_blank” relationship=”do follow” url=”http://convio.aharonhannan.com”][/infobox]

By Saturday night, I felt healthy again. It was Memorial Day weekend, so luckily I was able to get some extra rest and recover for the next week, just in case.

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