We’ve all seen those posts on social media… “Lost my phone, contact me on Messenger”, “Left my phone in a taxi, contact me by carrier pigeon”, and so on. It’s an unfortunate situation that happens often, which seems like a silly mistake until it...

We’ve all seen those posts on social media… “Lost my phone, contact me on Messenger”, “Left my phone in a taxi, contact me by carrier pigeon”, and so on. It’s an unfortunate situation that happens often, which seems like a silly mistake until it...
Weekly, my friends and I would travel to various bars after a long work day to unwind and participate in a night of trivia. Last week, we traveled to 500East to participate. Turns out that by the end of the evening, we were tied for first place. This was not usual as by the end of the...
Every year, my father would pick an evening to take my mother and I out and about town to see the Christmas lights. I remember when we would drive around Monument Circle with the sunroof open to see the large, conical strings of lights hit the top of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ monument...
Around this time last year (December 2014), I remember driving home from my last final exam of the semester. I called my parents to tell them how I thought I did, whether I would think I would pass, and endlessly worry about my final grade in the class. In an effort to try to sway my mind...
A couple of years ago, I set a goal for myself to train for a marathon. Many of my friends had achieved this feat, and I was inspired by their effort and discipline training for such a rigorous achievement.
There are two types of people who celebrate October 3rd: those who have a birthday today, and/or those who are Mean Girls enthusiasts. Many have seen the 2004 comedy and it has been deemed one of the most quotable movies. While Mean Girls can be quoted on any day, today is a day where the...
What Roles Do Your Friends Play? Sometimes, we overlook at how blessed we are with friends who help us through life’s challenges. Tom Rath’s book VITAL FRIENDS: The People You Can’t Afford To Live Without classifies eight different roles that friends can play. As...