BGR 2013 – Final Thoughts

Wow! What a week it has been! Boiler Gold Rush 2013 has been the best experience that I have ever had in my college career. Back in December, I remember walking into a room with a bunch of leaders that I have never met or perhaps even seen on campus before. Nine months and several trainings later, these seventy-eight individuals make up my closest friends and my support system.

A couple of months after Supervisor Retreat, I had the pleasure of welcoming our wonderful team leaders to the BGR Kingdom. Seeing the excitement from these leaders at trainings always put a smile on my face, especially when I was facing stressful and difficult situations outside of BGR.

BGR week finally arrived, and the excitement was certainly there from everyone. Throughout the week, I had the opportunity to meet team leaders within my hall team and get to know them on an even personal level.Sleepless nights were inevitable, but regardless of the struggle to stay awake during the day, everyone portrayed excitement and excellence at leadership for the new students, which is simply amazing!

People play an important role to make programs and organizations successful. The Student Orientation Committee, fellow Team Supervisors, and Team Leaders certainly did an excellent job in execution forBGR 2013. Being a team supervisor is an experience of a lifetime that I will never forget. Team leaders, if you are considering applying to be a supervisor,I strongly recommend you apply for it (even if you are hesitant, feel free to ask for more info about it)!

Yes, I am sad that Boiler Gold Rush is over, but knowing that I have grown so much and learned a lot about myself and about my peers throughout these past months has allowed me to smile at how the program has allowed me to grow. Dr. Seuss once said, “Don’t cry because its over, smile because it happened.” Thank you team, for making an impact and allowing me to continue to build myself one brick higher.

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